i enjoy seeing the jungle actively reclaiming the city. this is just down the street from my house. not only have these roots broken though this wall but they have made the side walk impassable on any wheel device. its kind of nice. it one of a very few places in the city where you can walk on the side walk without battling for space with motorbikes, both parked and moving.

my friend from seattle, craig, won the cycle messenger world championships in guatemala last week. congratulations. the fastest bike in seattle is now the fastest in the world. which bike you may ask? any bike between craig's legs.
i cut my hair the other day. i was sick of it. it was too long and it looked stupid, and its too hot here to have long hair anyways. i had been fighting the urge since i got here but after five months i finally had enough.


i think i did a pretty good job. but this isn't my first time cutting hair, my own or others. some of my students as well as my colleagues didn't recognize me. some say it makes me look younger, im not convinced i ever looked old though.
yeahh craig!